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Friday, September 20, 2024



Greetings, Jah World. Nkyea!
Resilience/ Resilient
Nketesie/ Tumi si nkete 

For the past few months I been climbing out from one bups and dropping straight into a next budups, one after the other. Sometimes life guh suh. Resilience is key. 

Some tragedies or challenges in life happen suddenly and without a heads-up. When tough times drop, they seem like big, heavy stones weighing us down. The burden can feel insurmountable and affect us psychologically and socially. This is when we need to tap into our inner strength (the divinity within). Resilience is key. 

Take time to process the situation, but quickly try to adapt (adapting doesn't mean avoiding). Assess the situation, chart a plan of action, and execute. Resilience is the ability to withstand and recover from something traumatic or difficult. In science, a material or substance is resilient if it quickly bounces, springs, or reverts into its original shape after being bent, stretched, or compressed. 

Be resilient. 
Stay good! Nuff Love! ɔdɔ pii ma wo 

Coconut Tree (A Haiku) 

A coconut tree 
bends and bows in hurricane winds 
but doesn't break. 

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